Supporting your Mental Health First Aiders, all year round.
Evidence based skill building.
Promote awareness and early intervention
Trained Mental Health First Aiders help reduce stigma and encourage open conversations
Helps those trained to recognise signs that they may be struggling themselves
Educates participants on how to guide people towards appropriate professional resources and services
4+ million
people trained in Mental Health First Aid worldwide
of Australians experience a mental illness each year
$4.7 Bn
the cost of mental health related absenteeism to Australian workplaces
Here is what you should consider.
Is Mental Health First Aid right for you and your organisation?
Is it a tick box
Why are we different?
We will not just run off after the trainingWe will sit down with you and work out the best strategy to implement a MHFA network, and embed it into business-as-usual.
Quarterly check in sessions with your MHFAidersA knowledge sharing process so that MHFAiders can learn from each other, learn from clinicians and discuss where they need further support.
Technology to keep a pulse on how they are doingAn Australian made peer support technology which alerts on when to check in with the MHFAider, and identifies training needs to help increase their confidence.
Two service options, consistent support for supporters.
Because if it isn’t done safely, should it be done at all?
Thinking about mental health in your workplace?
Chat with us first and hear how we can aid you.